Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

3529 – December 5, 2024 – Healthy, Wealthy and Wise – American’s have listened to a lot of GUFF… LIES… things that just absolutely make ZERO sense… YET we succumb through tolerance and fear of offending others. I have to ask myself why? I’m not a believer in crypto monies AS I believe they are just another example of the emperor without cloths. They entire town went along with the LIE (deception) … until a little boy…. Called out, “Look the emperor has no clothes” as the emperor paraded through town in his “birthday suit.” The towns folks… knew better but they went along anyway.

When I heard comments from two of the “women” – justices on the supreme court making comments … nonsensical comments… regarding transgender children (minors) … I thought surely they do not believe the words that are spewing from their mouths!!  If they do… how in the world did these women… graduate college OR high school for that matter. How late do they go to bed?

 Just like the townspeople … willfully capitulated to the deception of “invisible” clothes on the emperor… so does the LEFT …. The reasoning is beyond me… BUT…. my conclusion is that they know transgenderism is a mental illness YET they deny it… and even fight it… to the detriment of the young people… or all people who suffer from this mental illness. (listen to the podcast for more…)

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

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