We the Sheeples Have Been Led Astray

We the Sheeples Have Been Led Astray

3488 – October 9, 2024 – We the Sheeples Have Been Led Astray – 27 Days and Counting Down – The Power of a Constitutional Republic Is in the Hands and Hearts of the People!

Do we weep for liberty, which we have lost, or do we simply not understand the substance & sacrifice for which we once were made privileged? Our power is our vote – elections matter and who you place in office to represent you matters largely!

We the People have been used and abused by our own government… for which WE should be the ones in charge – but somehow along the way we have excepted being sheep (being led to slaughter) instead of being “sheep dogs” watching over the flock and keeping them safe from the wolves.

A well-informed citizenry

“A well-informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.” “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Not only are We the People today, not well educated (meaning of our history and Constitution) we are also not well informed… BUT perhaps the greatest travesty is that We the People are misinformed about matters of great importance… such as the corruption of the Obama Biden administration AND the continuance of the Biden family cartel… peddling political influence regarding our nation… to other nations… for money!

The mainstream medias have been in lockstep with the politicians…. In particular the democrat party. If we were to rephrase Thomas Jefferson’s words… “A well misinformed citizenry is the best offense for tyranny.” “A nation’s people who are kept ignorant will never be free, in a state of such a captivated civilization, personal expectations are lowered, and government dependence is heightened; the citizenry are forever slaves by their own wanton ignorance, selfishness and greed… they vote themselves into poverty.”

I have been speaking this week about bureaucracy… it is NOT a 4th branch of our government. Neither are NGOs (non-government organizations) YET both this “groups” influence government policies that will “run and ruin” your lives and businesses. There is not “Bureaucrative” branch of government!  YES, I made that word up. Neither of these (bureaucrat dept or NGOs) have power, except for their lobbying and “purse” stringing Congressional members who are supposed to be representing YOU the People… BUT it appears as a business… the money, promises… are exchanged AND We the People lose! Liberty is ignored!


IMPRIMIS (Aug 2024) and article written by Ryan Cleckner titled, “Out Out-of-Control-federal Law Enforcement Agencies” Excerpt: “Like all these federal law enforcement agencies, the ATF was created by Congress and is tasked with executing laws passed by Congress. Congress, in turn, represents and acts on behalf of the American People. In this context, the first and most important thing in bringing the ATF and these other agencies back under control is to impress firmly upon them the fact that they are accountable to Congress and are the servants and not the enemies of the American people.”

Somehow, someway We the People have, like sheeples, been led astray. Trump derangement is actually caused by a large brainwashing of Americans… by media and politicians. It’s sad, sick and evil what they have done.

This isn’t just here in America, it is on the global stage as well, it’s about power, not sovereignty. It’s about control, not Liberty.

The same is true when it comes to for the Climate Change Hoax! There is a global agenda for power and money! “The New World Order” according to Herbert Walker Bush… World citizens… not American citizens. Think about that a moment. World citizens are everywhere, therefore they can “vote” in all elections???  There’s a reason illegal immigration has been LEFT to the winds here in America… and laws ignored for many-many decades.

Think how completely SOLD OUT this nation would be if cable TV wasn’t here combatting the lies and misinformation?  THEN think about all the Americans who don’t have access to these alternative news sources. Think, consider WHY are they all speaking anti-First Amendment and wanting to censor these alternative outlets. According to many, they want to lock you up for speaking against their agendas. AND they will keep you from knowing the truths about Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Cheney’s, all of them willing to kill to save their…wait for it… “democracy.”

We the Sheeples Have Been Led Astray

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