As I was writing and composing my opinion to express my disgust regarding “speaker-ripper-Nancy,” this is what came out!
I hope you enjoy and realize that even with the rhymes and the humor, this is serious business! When the person holding the third highest position in our government is willing to destroy documents and insult the President of the United States on a world stage, it’s time the PEOPLE took charge. Nancy Pelosi has now shown ALL that she is incapable and unwilling to work with President Trump – not even for the “good” of the people.
All Americans should demand her immediate resignation. 202-224-3121 is the DC Switchboard. (I heard a rumor it’s been busy and on overload…keep trying.)
God Bless America
Bring America Home©
Beth Ann
Owner/Host CSC Talk Radio
“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.”
Proverbs 14:1
by Beth Ann (CSC Talk Radio) ©
She hates the President through and through
She preys upon his every move
His phone calls
His family and his staff
Pelosi the Ripper will soon tear his speech in half
It was the State of the Union that
Frightful February night
When the Ripper came out;
Her (loosely fit) teeth clinched for a fight
She hated the stats the speech proudly proclaimed
She resented each honored guest who came
(Though innocent, she hated them just the same)
The disdain on her face was really quite plain
The clapping, the cheers they drove her insane
No matter how much her anger grew
The Ripper would stay and see the speech through
Her heart full of envy, overflowing with spite
Would soon have revenge on the message that night
The President sang America’s Praise
The speech was the best, many did say
The Ripper she moaned and groaned as she sat
She couldn’t accept the good of all that.
She came as the Speaker
But as the evening progressed
Her resolve became weaker
Her dark heart was a mess
When it was all over
She could take it no more
She picked up the papers
And she ripped and she tore
She ripped up the words
She ripped up the names
She couldn’t stop ripping
To the House she brought shame
Her anger was ignited
When a family was united
She ripped in-two the children who came
She ripped in-two free choices made
She ripped up Old Heroes
She ripped up education
She ripped up the names of those violently taken
She ripped in-two the economy zooming
She ripped in-two new jobs booming
She ripped in-two the healthcare improving
She ripped in-two the babies saved
(Abortion in her dark mind is the better way)
She ripped and she tore till she could rip no more…
At the end of the night “Madam Ripper” she stood
And displayed her contempt for America’s Good
The Ripper of the House wore white that night
To keep the dark in her heart out of sight.
But dark we did see
And now we all know
For there is left no question
Of how low she will go
The Rippers actions changed nothing at hand
But Americans witnessed her HATE for the man
Americans saw her treasonous stand
And the scars that she left upon our great land.
The Ripper of the House tried to rip “the land of plenty.”
On February 4 – two thousand and twenty
© CSC Talk Radio with Beth Ann
Treason from Within
By Cicero|Categories: Cicero, Classics, Quotation
The traitor is the plague. — Marcus Tullius Cicero, from a speech given to the Roman Senate, recorded in approximately 42 B.C. by Sallust.
dedicated to Nancy Pelosi the Ripper of the House
(I changed the male pronouns to female… his/her – he/she)
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for she is known and she carries her banners openly against the city.
But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, her sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor; she speaks in the accents familiar to her victim, and she wears their face and their garments and she appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
She rots the soul of a nation; she works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; she infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to be feared.
“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.”
Proverbs 14:1
Tune in weekdays at 10:06-11am CT
@CscBeth (on Twitter)
Together we will Bring America Home©