Liberty & Lilacs
Beth Ann
I love the smell of Lilacs and the freshness in the air…
I love the strength of Liberty and the freedom that it shares…
Each spring we look forward to the blooming of the lilac bushes. They deliver a fragrance in the air that brings a freshness unlike any other; an aroma that “liberates” us from the dead of winter…
Watching the springtime bring the dead, captured by winter, back to life is a parallel to the Liberty we talk about each day.
Even though they weren’t slaves, as we think of slavery, our Founding Fathers were in captivity, bound by the winter of an authoritative King and his tyrannical ways.
Our Founding Fathers fought that “old man winter” and ended the slavery in their lives. It was with great sacrifice and determination. They had a vision and the steadfastness to rise above tyranny, end a dictatorship and put in place a unique and fresh kind of government… a Republic!
Liberty in our lives and in our nation frees us from the slavery of tyrants and the death wrought upon our inner spirits. However, being a Republic puts the responsibility in our own hands. We The People must remain true and loyal to the spring brought to us by our Founding Fathers – we must stay vigilant and protect freedom & liberty for the future generations of this nation.
The lilac bushes take a little maintenance; prune and fertilize so that next spring we will once again enjoy their freshness. Liberty must also be maintained; prune out those who would dictate tyranny… fertilize the Republic through truth and encourage them to be active and responsible…
The stench of winter and death is slavery to a king… king government is no different that King George III, who wrought a horrible slavery upon early America. Our Republic has been taken over by “king-government” in DC as well as many of our State Capitals.
In the spring the hibernating animals awaken… its time for the American Republic to awaken from their winter slumber and dominate our land. Demand liberty and justice for all… not for a few, not for an agenda, not for the good of the community… but for all America!
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
Ayn Rand
Let us never downplay the 3% who are willing to stand for Liberty for all…
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
I love the smell of Lilacs and the freshness in the air…
I love the strength of Liberty and the freedom that it shares…
Beth Ann
CSC Talk Radio is your Paul Revere gathering Americans for Truth and Liberty